Events and news...

LGMC’s DING-A-DING-A-DING Holiday Concert

Saturday, December 16, 7 PM & Sunday, December 17, 4 PM
at The Temple, 5101 US-42




Join our non-auditioned chorus! We are always looking for gay and gay-supportive men who want to make music. We present three concerts a year with weekly rehearsals. Contact us for more info.


LGMC relies on the support of non-singing
volunteers in both leadership roles on our
Board of Directors and as members of our
newly formed Encore Society. The Encore
Society assists in the production and
operation of LGMC concerts and events.


LGMC is supported by individual and
corporate sponsors at various levels including song, title, season, and production sponsorships of all our concerts, not to mention ads in our concert programs. No matter what your budget allows, we have a sponsorship or ad space for you.  See rates here. Got questions?
Contact us here.

If you'd like to get involved with the Louisville Gay Men's Chorus in any capacity, we'd love to hear from you!

We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and your contribution is eligible for a tax deduction.


The Louisville Gay Men's Chorus is a choral group that unites men's voices as a means to entertain, educate, bring healing, joy, a sense of community, and build bridges for the performers and the audience. The organization is looking for members as well as people who would like to help enable the chorus to do more.

Gregory Rahming, Artistic Director, Louisville Gay Men's Chorus

Gregory Rahming, Artistic Director

In 1989, Gregory Emanuel Rahming made his operatic debut on the stage with Kentucky Opera. Since that time he’s had a tremendous career that spans more than 20 years as an international opera singer, star of Broadway in New York City, noted voice teacher, and music educator. Gregory has been the recipient of top prizes in numerous vocal competitions including the Leontyne Price Vocal Competition, the National Society of Arts and Letters Competition, and a finalist in the Luciano Pavarotti Competition.

Twenty-five years later, Gregory returned to Louisville (where he started) and appeared in the role of Frere Laurent in Kentucky Opera’s production of Romeo & Juliette at the Brown Theatre. Along with performing, he manages to still find time to give back to Louisville’s arts community as a vocal instructor, mentor, and musical director.

Todd Ihrig, Accompanist, Louisville Gay Men's Chorus

Todd ihrig, Accompanist

Before serving as accompanist, Todd Ihrig was a singing member of the Louisville Gay Men's Chorus from August 2017 to August 2023. He has a B.A. in Music from Northern Kentucky University and studied music history at the graduate level at University of Louisville. Todd is the Music Director at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Louisville and also teaches private piano.


We would love to hear from you.  Send us a message!



We wish we had room to list all of the generous sponsorships and donations that make our concerts and events possible. A special thank you goes out to our 2019 Holiday Concert sponsors:

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